Tuesday 24 April 2018

O mais simples forex holy grail trading manual

O manual de comércio mais simples do santo Graal
Eu sou um comerciante de forex, investidor e desenvolvedor de software. Muitos anos atrás, encontrei uma maneira lucrativa de ganhar dinheiro com o conforto da minha casa. Fui apresentado ao maior mercado financeiro do mundo Forex. E, como muitos outros comerciantes novatos, perdi meu dinheiro várias vezes antes de começar a verificar consistência em meus lucros. Eu aprendi tantas estratégias, então eu não posso nem dizer quantos, mas havia realmente muitos deles. Ultimamente, criei um conjunto confiável e lucrativo de métodos de negociação para negociar Forex, que agora coloquei em código e convertido em um sistema comercial fácil de usar que funciona em todas as condições do mercado e com qualquer instrumento de negociação. Os meus métodos comerciais são baseados em conhecimentos únicos, onde o mercado é representado pelas leis do mercado natural. Eu obtive minha inspiração de comerciantes famosos e cientistas como William Gann, Ralph Elliott, Richard Wyckoff e outros que fizeram um grande contributo para a criação de uma nova e única compreensão do comportamento do mercado. Os trabalhos e as teorias dessas pessoas ajudaram-me a encontrar a minha própria abordagem comercial e a compreensão do mercado. E agora eu quero compartilhar meu conhecimento e software comercial com você.
Se você está lendo esta página, significa que você estava procurando uma estratégia de forex rentável, para um sistema de forex preciso para ganhar a vida no conforto de sua casa. Por sorte, tenho uma solução para você.
O que é Forex Holy Grail para você? Toda pessoa pode ter a sua própria compreensão sobre o assunto, mas estou certo de que haverá uma coisa comum em todas as respostas. Os comerciantes procuram uma estratégia confiável que cresça suas contas de forma consistente. Acredite, com o meu sistema você pode fazer exatamente isso. Você pode expandir sua conta como nunca pensou ser possível antes. Não estou dizendo que meu sistema lhe dará uma taxa de 100% de ganhos. Você sabe que há tantas coisas influenciam o comportamento do mercado, então você simplesmente não consegue prever o movimento de cada mercado.
Vamos falar sobre todos esses três aspectos acima em detalhes para que você possa entender como a estratégia vencedora deve se parecer e quais os princípios em que basei meu sistema.
O meu sistema de negociação oferece alta taxa de vitórias para que você realmente possa ganhar a maior parte de suas negociações com minhas ferramentas de negociação e treinamento. Eu sei que provavelmente você ouviu isso muitas vezes. Existem muitos sistemas de negociação disponíveis na Internet que são anunciados como altamente precisos. Mas eles são tão precisos quanto os vendedores dizem? Na maioria dos casos NÃO! Por quê? Eu sei a resposta. Os seus sistemas baseiam-se em princípios que não funcionam para um comerciante a longo prazo. Mesmo que o sistema seja bom e lhe forneça resultados decentes, esses resultados na maioria dos casos não são consistentes. Além disso, a maioria dos sistemas forex não são fáceis de aprender e aplicar. Todas essas coisas levam a inconsistência nos resultados que influenciam sua relação geral de vitórias. Diga NÃO a esse material inútil que não funciona como anunciado. Convido você para um mundo completamente novo de comércio de Forex, onde a negociação é fácil, sem stress e gratificante. Por que meu sistema de negociação é melhor? 1. Não há quase nenhuma curva de aprendizado no meu sistema. 2. O meu sistema baseia-se numa abordagem única da negociação, baseada nas leis do mercado natural. 3. Fornece bons resultados consistentemente com uma boa taxa de ganhos.
Algumas estratégias são boas no mercado de tendências, algumas são boas para o mercado variável. Mas você não pode ser verdadeiramente bem sucedido na negociação se a sua estratégia não funcionar em todas as condições do mercado. Mas se sua estratégia é capaz de lidar tanto com o mercado de tendências quanto de tendências, seus resultados serão diferentes a seu favor. O que eles dizem, mas o dinheiro real é feito apenas quando o mercado se move, ou seja, quando há tendência. O meu sistema de negociação irá ajudá-lo a evitar a maioria dos falsos sinais causados ​​por condições de mercado fixas, e isso lhe dá uma grande vantagem como comerciante. Você poderá se mover com o mercado, sem medo de ser atacado.
Não importa quantos indicadores você está usando na sua negociação. Não importa se você é um orgulhoso proprietário de centenas de indicadores de divisas. Todos são inúteis até que você os faça trabalhar para você! O único que importa é se seus indicadores realmente podem mostrar uma imagem real do mercado. Você sabe melhor que eu, a maioria de todas as estratégias forex que estão sendo vendidas on-line são inúteis. E as estratégias que funcionam não são fáceis de implementar na maioria dos casos. Projetando minhas ferramentas de negociação, eu queria que elas fossem usadas e compreendidas por todos os comerciantes sejam novatos ou profissionais. Converti teorias complexas em métodos de negociação simples de usar que podem ser aplicados com sucesso por pessoas, mesmo sem experiência comercial. Esses métodos são representados por algumas versões do software de negociação que eu chamo de Golden Eagle. Este é realmente um indicador de seta fácil de usar, baseado em teorias complexas. Você não precisará usar uma tonelada de indicadores em seu gráfico! Nunca! Eu entendo o quão confuso pode ser para os comerciantes, então eu realmente coloco meu conhecimento e experiência em um software fácil de usar que eu chamo de águia dourada. Este é um software de sinais autônomo que pode fazer a análise de mercado para você enquanto você se concentra na negociação. Tudo o que você precisa é escolher o instrumento de negociação que você quer negociar e o software fará o trabalho de análise de mercado de descanso para você e fornecer sinais de negociação. Tudo o que você precisa então é usar os sinais em sua negociação. É assim que é fácil negociar com a ajuda do meu software.
Qual é o segredo por trás da águia dourada?
O meu método de ganhar no código do meu software é uma estratégia de negociação que foi projetada para prever a verdadeira direção de um instrumento financeiro. Pode ser aplicado a todos os instrumentos financeiros. Meu indicador irá ajudá-lo a permanecer no lado seguro do mercado em qualquer sessão de negociação, a qualquer hora do dia. Não há exagero nas minhas palavras. Esta é uma ferramenta de negociação muito poderosa e confiável.
Como já falei anteriormente, tenho negociado há anos e aprendi muitas estratégias e teorias forex. O mais emocionante e inspirador para mim foi aprender e aplicar técnicas de negociação por um conhecido comerciante e matemático do passado Sr. W. D. Gann.
William D. Gann (1878-1955) foi um comerciante lendário que desenvolveu várias ferramentas únicas para a análise de movimento de preços. Ele criou uma combinação única e muito complexa de princípios matemáticos e geométricos de análise.
Meu indicador é baseado em um dos métodos de W. D. Gann para o eixo do tempo. Ele usa pontos de reversão do mercado passado e aplica a fórmula matemática para o método e depois faz projeções para o futuro. Uma data e hora em que a linha de projeções futuras é chamada de cluster de tempo. Esses intervalos de tempo são calculados pelo indicador. Um cluster de tempo resultará em um ponto de reversão do mercado se formando após o sinal. Embora o método em si seja bastante poderoso, eu decidi ir mais longe e adicionei níveis de suporte e resistência baseados em W. D. Gann para tornar os sinais do indicador tão precisos como possibe. Eu acredito que a combinação destes dois métodos precisos de previsão de preços pode fornecer resultados muito melhores quando aplicados juntos. Você pode facilmente usar o software para scalping, day trading e longo prazo. Este é um sistema de negociação verdadeiramente universal!
Sobre a análise de spread de volume.
Volume Spread Analysis ou simplesmente a VSA é uma metodologia comprovada de análise de mercados financeiros. Desenvolvido inicialmente por Richard D. Wyckoff, um dos mais bem sucedidos comerciantes de Wall Street de todos os tempos, nos anos 1900, e aperfeiçoado por Tom Williams, durante o tempo em que ele era um comerciante de sindicatos por 15 anos com sede em Londres nos anos 1960-1970. Outros comerciantes muito bem sucedidos de Wall Street, como William O'Neill, também o usam. Baseia-se na oferta e na demanda, que rege qualquer mercado e não qualquer outra coisa: sem indicadores técnicos, sem padrões de preços, apenas preço puro e ação de volume.
Qualquer negócio em que haja dinheiro a ser feito, existem profissionais: a Arte tem comerciantes profissionais, o poker tem jogadores profissionais, as apostas têm melhorias profissionais e, também, os mercados financeiros têm comerciantes profissionais. Ser bem sucedido nos mercados é sobre seguir os passos dos "tubarões" deste jogo: operadores de mercado, comerciantes de fossa, fabricantes de mercado, comerciantes de sindicatos e comerciantes profissionais de topo. O objetivo da VSA é mostrar o que os profissionais estão fazendo, analisando os movimentos e volumes de preços e lucrando com esse conhecimento!
A VSA pode ser usada em todos os mercados e com prazos diferentes, o comerciante só precisa de um histograma de volume em seus gráficos de preços. Em alguns mercados, como o mercado de ações ou o mercado de futuros, os volumes de transações reais estão disponíveis, ainda em outros mercados - como o forex que não está centralizado - números de volume reais não estão disponíveis. No entanto, isso não significa que um comerciante não possa analisar os volumes do mercado cambial, ele deve simplesmente analisar o volume observado em cada marca.
O volume Forex pode ser representado pela quantidade de atividade observada em cada barra ou candelabro. É preciso ter em mente que os grandes comerciantes profissionais estão fortemente envolvidos se houver muita atividade em um castiçal. Por outro lado, um baixo nível de atividade significa que comerciantes profissionais se abstêm do movimento. Cada cenário pode ter implicações no equilíbrio da oferta e da demanda, ajudando assim o comerciante a identificar uma direção provável do mercado no curto a médio prazo.
A VSA procura diferenças entre oferta e demanda que são criadas principalmente pelos principais players de divisas: comerciantes profissionais, instituições, bancos e criadores de mercado. As transações desses comerciantes profissionais são claramente visíveis em um gráfico, assumindo que você é um comerciante de forex que sabe como lê-los.
Meu software lê automaticamente os gráficos e analisa o preço por meio da análise da VSA. Mesmo que você não saiba nada sobre a VSA, você pode deixar com sucesso o meu software forex fazer todas as análises de mercado para você. Tudo o que você precisa é seguir os sinais. É isso aí!
As maiores vantagens em sua disposição!
O software My signal oferece uma grande vantagem como todos os outros serviços de sinais. Qual é essa vantagem? Isso liberta seu tempo. Sim, muitas pessoas escolhem os provedores de serviços de sinais porque esses serviços liberam seu tempo. Não importa se você quer fazer alguma análise de mercado ou não quer fazer isso, um provedor de serviços de sinais fará a maior parte do trabalho para você. O mesmo acontece com o meu software. Ele faz o trabalho de análise de mercado para você. Claro que você também pode fazer algum trabalho adicional de análise de mercado se desejar, mas este trabalho será reduzido ao mínimo. E mesmo que não deseje fazer nenhum trabalho de mercado, não há problema, você pode simplesmente trocar os sinais e o seu único trabalho estará empurrando botões no teclado e no mouse.
Outra vantagem que o serviço de sinais fornece, dá-lhe a capacidade de ser móvel. Você pode trocar até mesmo em movimento usando seu celular e acesso à internet. Em outras palavras, você não está mais ligado ao seu PC. Você pode trocar de qualquer lugar do mundo. E não importa quanto tempo você tenha para negociação, você ainda tem pelo menos 5 ou 10 minutos por dia para fazer seus negócios ou fechar seus negócios.
E há mais uma vantagem. Você não precisa saber muito sobre negociação. Na verdade, se você sabe alguma coisa - isso é ótimo. Mesmo se você não sabe nada sobre negociação, você ainda pode negociar usando o serviço de sinais. Então, como agora vemos um serviço de sinais, é uma ótima maneira de negociar para aqueles que querem ter mais tempo livre e capacidade de trocar até mesmo em movimento e é ótimo para aqueles que não têm conhecimento suficiente para fazer algum trabalho de análise de mercado. Mas, na verdade, essas três vantagens são provavelmente as únicas vantagens que a maioria dos serviços de sinais fornecem. E eu decidi ir até mesmo mais do que isso e dar aos meus clientes mais vantagens em comparação com o que a maioria dos outros serviços de sinais fornecem aos seus clientes.
Dou-lhe flexibilidade, esta é uma vantagem maior que você não encontrará com todos os outros serviços de sinais. Mas estou lhe dando essa vantagem. O que é isso? Você poderá trocar qualquer instrumento de negociação que você deseja! Apenas o que quiser! Tudo o que você precisa é digitar os símbolos dos instrumentos de negociação nos parâmetros de entrada do software de sinais e o software iniciará automaticamente a digitalização de todos esses instrumentos de negociação que você deseja negociar. Não importa o corretor que você está usando, quais os instrumentos que seu corretor oferece para negociação - você pode trocar todos eles, simplesmente qualquer coisa que seu corretor forneça. Nenhum outro serviço de sinais lhe dará tal vantagem. Mas meu serviço está lhe dando essa vantagem agora.
Além disso, mencionei isso já antes, todos os comerciantes são diferentes e eles preferem diferentes tipos de sinais. Alguns gostam de troco de curto prazo e fazem análises em prazos inferiores como M1 ou M5. Há aqueles que gostam de comercializar H4 ou mesmo gráficos diários. Não importa o enquadramento de tempo que você prefira usar, o software de meus sinais pode fazer a análise de todos os intervalos de tempo que você gosta. Você pode até digitalizá-los todos! Tudo depende de você. E eu estou lhe dando essa vantagem.
Mas isso não é tudo. Meu software de sinais está disponível para você o tempo todo e, em seu trabalho de análise de mercado, ele não depende de nenhuma pessoa lá fora e, portanto, você está protegido contra erros humanos. O software não pode estar cansado ou com fome ou ter outros problemas como os humanos e quais podem influenciar nas decisões comerciais. Além disso, meu software não é como um robô estúpido que simplesmente segue algum algoritmo. Nada como isso. Em vez disso, o meu software é capaz de se adaptar às condições de mercado em constante mudança e que é ainda mais importante, pode se adaptar ao feed de dados do seu agente particular. Como você sabe, os corretores podem trabalhar usando diferentes feeds de dados. Alguns corretores podem usar um feed de dados de uma empresa, outro corretor usará o feed de dados de alguma outra empresa. Mas não importa em absoluto porque meu software se adapta mesmo ao feed de dados do seu corretor e suas peculiaridades. E a melhor coisa que faz isso para você automaticamente em segundo plano. Você não precisa fazer nenhum backtesting, você não precisa otimizar nada, você não precisa alterar as configurações ou algo assim. Basta arrastar o software para o seu gráfico, ativá-lo, insira os símbolos que você gosta de trocar, incluindo os prazos que você gostaria de usar em sua análise de mercado e clique no botão OK. Então tudo que você precisa é usar os sinais em sua negociação. Não é necessário iniciar o software com cada gráfico que você deseja usá-lo. Apenas um gráfico, na verdade, qualquer gráfico. Ative o software e ele começará a analisar todos os instrumentos que você precisa. Isso não é ótimo?! Mais uma vez, você pode fazer algumas análises adicionais antes de colocar seu comércio se desejar. Conheço comerciantes de experiência como essas coisas. Mas se você não quer fazer nenhum trabalho de análise, apenas troque os sinais mesmo do seu celular ou tablet. Por sinal, se você quiser, você também pode usar o modo visual especial, que mostrará os sinais para você em seus gráficos, incluindo conselhos sobre onde sair do mercado e fechar os negócios. Então, você poderá visualizar visualmente sinais de compra e venda, incluindo sugestões de saída.
Mas estas não são todas as vantagens que o meu serviço de sinais fornece. Como você provavelmente sabe, as empresas de serviços de sinalização lá fora cobram seus clientes em base de montlhy. Alguns fazem isso semanalmente. Não importa com que frequência eles atendam seus clientes, mas a idéia é que uma pessoa precisa pagar constantemente todas as semanas ou todos os meses para receber os sinais. Como exemplo, um serviço de sinais comuns cobra em algum lugar como US $ 197 mensalmente. Estou falando sobre empresas de sinais padrão reais e não sobre apenas um cara de um fórum que oferece seus sinais para um par de dólares e depois desaparecendo. E, na verdade, $ 197 é uma taxa bastante baixa e absolutamente normal para algum pacote de sinais padrão. Muitas mais empresas cobram até muito mais do que mensalmente. Apenas faça a matemática. $ 197 x 12 meses no ano e nós recebemos um montante de $ 2364! Imagine isso. As pessoas pagam US $ 2364 e ainda mais por ano para obter os sinais. E, na maioria dos casos, os sinais cobrem apenas vários pares de moedas. Quer trocar mais instrumentos? Bem, então, consulte as empresas que oferecem uma gama mais ampla de instrumentos, mas eles vão cobrar ainda mais!
Estou mudando as regras deste jogo. Não vou cobrar-lhe mensalmente! Nunca! Mas mais sobre isso, um pouco mais tarde, no final da página. Por enquanto deixe-me mostrar-lhe os sinais que o meu software gera. Por favor, note que meu software pretende capturar grandes movimentos. Na verdade, ele tenta prever grandes ondas. Quando gera um sinal, você pode trocá-lo de várias maneiras. Você pode tentar pegar toda a porção da onda possível ou pode tirar lucros da qucik. Isto depende de você. Além disso, meu software pode mesmo sugerir-lhe onde sair usando meu algoritmo proprietário. Não usa nenhum conjunto fixo de regras. Ele realmente se adapta às condições atuais do mercado e sugere sair de acordo com o que eu chamo de Princípio do alvo dinâmico, que se baseia em fatores como a volatilidade e a força do mercado.
Agora, veja estas capturas de tela que eu fiz aleatoriamente.
Todos os sinais são reais e não são escolhidos pela cereja.
Esses sinais são representados por um dos módulos da Golden Eagle que eu chamo de módulo visual FHG Signals, que é usado para mostrar visualmente os sinais nos gráficos. Mas você não precisa anexar o software a cada um de seus gráficos se não desejar. Em vez disso, tudo o que você precisa é anexar o módulo de sinais principais em um único gráfico e ele fornecerá os sinais para todos os instrumentos e prazos que deseja ao mesmo tempo! Mas para demonstrar os sinais, aqui estou lhe mostrando o módulo visual para mostrar as possibilidades que você terá ao usar meu software.
E agora eu quero mostrar-lhe várias mais screenshots abaixo feitas em gráficos M1 usando o módulo visual Golden Eagle FHG Signals.
Como você vê, o software fornece sinais precisos e frutíferos que podem lhe trazer pips agradáveis. Lembre-se de poder trocar qualquer instrumento de negociação. Agora, uma vez que você já viu as capturas de tela, vou mostrar vários vídeos para você. Nos vídeos, estou usando grandes pares e tempo M15. Você também pode usar outros quadros de tempo, embora eu esteja usando o M15 porque é minha preferência e eu gosto muito de usar este período de tempo. E é por isso que eu fiz vídeos usando o período que eu pessoalmente prefiro. Mas, como eu disse, não há restrições aqui. Novamente, você pode usar qualquer período de tempo e qualquer instrumento.
Agora, assista o vídeo abaixo e veja a precisão do seu software de sinais na negociação. Em meus vídeos, estou usando o módulo backtesting com um período de tempo escolhido aleatoriamente. O vídeo abaixo representa o trabalho do software no gráfico EURUSD M15. Observe que é melhor assistir o vídeo no modo de tela cheia. Basta clicar duas vezes em qualquer parte da tela ou clicar em um botão de tela cheia especial para assistir o vídeo no modo de tela cheia.
Espero que você perceba com quanta precisão o software filtra todo o ruído do mercado. Quando dá um sinal, não o muda, mesmo que o preço suba e desça muitas vezes. O software realmente vê ou prevê onde o mercado provavelmente irá. E nós vamos com o mercado, é claro. Você pode negociar usando os níveis fixos de Stop Loss e Take Profit da sua escolha. Na verdade, as opções de gerenciamento de dinheiro são ilimitadas aqui. Você é livre para trocar o jeito que você gosta. Aliás, o meu software será uma grande ajuda para os comerciantes da rede, porque na maioria dos casos o preço vai na direção prevista, não importa se houve uma redução ou não. Os comerciantes da grade podem adicionar mais posições quando o preço vai contra elas e fechar todas as posições com grandes lucros quando o preço atinge o nível alvo. Scalpers pode tirar lucros rápidos. Os comerciantes longos podem negociar a longo prazo esperando que seu alvo seja atingido. Então, as opções de como você pode usar o software são realmente ilimitadas. Claro que vou ajudá-lo a encontrar sua melhor maneira de usar o software de acordo com suas próprias necessidades e requisitos comerciais.
Agora, assista a outro vídeo. Agora, este é o par GBPUSD no gráfico M15.
Outra grande coisa sobre o meu software é que permite que você negocie com um risco muito bom a relação de recompensa, permitindo arriscar menos e ganhar mais. E, independentemente do instrumento de negociação que você estiver usando, o software fará o melhor para prever onde o mercado realmente está indo. E isso é realmente tudo o que os comerciantes precisam. Espero que você esteja de acordo comigo neste ponto. Porque sabemos onde o mercado vai no futuro mais próximo, não teremos medo de algumas situações possíveis quando o mercado nos ajudar. A maioria das outras estratégias lá fora daria muitos sinais falsos quando o preço subir e descer. A maioria das estratégias não funciona com o mercado plano. A maioria das estratégias não pode lidar com movimentos repentinos de preços contra o sinal. Mas meu software de sinais pode facilmente lidar com todas essas coisas mostrando a verdadeira direção do preço.
Já mencionei antes, você pode aplicar todas as técnicas possíveis de gerenciamento de dinheiro ao usar meu software. Mas eu sei que há pessoas que gostam de manter as coisas o mais simples possível. Então coloquei em um código uma técnica de saída especial que eu chamo de Princípio de Destino Dinâmico. Esta característica muito útil também será uma grande ajuda para todos os comerciantes, pois ajuda a determinar um alvo de saída seguro. Na verdade, muitas vezes o preço vai mais longe do que o sinal de saída aparece, mas não é um problema porque ainda fazemos lucro ou, pelo menos, saímos do mercado em um ponto seguro oportuno. Existem várias opções como você pode usar esse recurso. Como exemplo, você pode fechar a maior parte ou a metade da sua posição e deixar a outra parte funcionar até o alvo atingir. Esse recurso será uma ótima ajuda para os comerciantes da rede também, já que o algoritmo Dynamic Target Principle funciona do jeito que lhe permite obter o máximo de seu comércio. Como exemplo, você colocou um pedido de compra e o preço foi contra você. A maioria dos indicadores daria um novo sinal oposto e, como resultado, um comerciante perderia algum dinheiro no comércio. Assim, o Princípio de Destino Dinâmico neste caso inicia um Procedimento de Recuperação que tem um objetivo: encontrar o melhor ponto de saída para minimizar sua possível perda e, de preferência, obter lucro. No caso de o preço entrar em sua direção, o algoritmo encontra um ponto seguro para fechar seu comércio e mostra isso para você. Por favor, veja o vídeo abaixo. Eu fiz o video usando o gráfico EURGBP M15. Você poderá ver o Princípio de Destino Dinâmico em ação. O sinal de saída para sinal de VENDA é mostrado como um X vermelho e o sinal de saída para o sinal de COMPRA é mostrado como um X azul.
No vídeo acima, você pode ver as situações tanto quando o preço vai na direção prevista quanto as situações em que ele vai contra. O algoritmo funciona como garantir que o comerciante obtenha lucro ou encerre o comércio com perda mínima. Novamente, aqueles que gostam de fazer compras na rede, esta é uma mina de ouro para vocês. Por sinal, se você não se importar de manter suas posições abertas por algum tempo, você perceberá que o preço na maioria dos casos irá na direção prevista, embora ele precise de algum tempo para que isso aconteça. Então, significa que você pode fechar algumas partes de suas posições e deixar as outras se dirigirem para um alvo melhor.
Sinta-se à vontade para assistir ainda mais vídeos, onde faço backtesting no M5 e até mesmo na tabela M1. Aqui está o vídeo abaixo com um módulo visual executado no gráfico M5.
Aqui está o vídeo abaixo para M1. De fato, a negociação no M1 é considerada a coisa mais difícil porque a M1 tem mais ruído no mercado. Mas meu software ainda pode funcionar muito bem com o M1. Além disso, na negociação em tempo real, o software funcionará ainda melhor graças ao algoritmo de auto-adaptação. Quanto mais você trocar, melhor serão os sinais. Backtesting não pode mostrar todo o potencial, mas ainda parece ótimo mesmo em backtesting. Aproveite o vídeo!
A beleza do software é em sua capacidade de se adaptar às condições de mercado e aprender com o mercado. Quanto mais você o usar, melhor será. Eu fiz o algoritmo para ser flexível. É claro que a análise global do mercado será a mesma, não importa o que esteja acontecendo no mercado. Mas as maneiras como o software usará essa análise são numerosas. Então, é por isso que eu digo que o software é adaptável ao mercado.
Outra grande coisa sobre o software de meus sinais é a seguinte. Eu vou manter o software atualizado. Então, sempre que eu encontrar as maneiras de torná-lo ainda melhor, vou fazer isso adicionando recursos adicionais ou melhorando o algoritmo. Todos os usuários do software de sinais Golden Eagle FHG são qualificados para atualizações gratuitas durante toda a vida.
Por favor, veja as capturas de tela abaixo. Estes são os resultados comerciais recentes que recebi na minha conta comercial. Este é realmente o que você pode conseguir com o meu software de sinais. Este é o verdadeiro poder comercial que você pode ter em sua posse.
Eu fiz $ 23992 em um mês de junho de 2017 sozinho!
Agora veja os resultados obtidos em julho de 2017.
Basta ver o poder do meu método! Funciona consistentemente ótimo o tempo todo!
Eu já fiz $ 11746 em julho de 2017 e o lucro ainda está chegando. Veja esse lucro flutuante em GBPCHF? Então eu acredito que estou encerrando este mês com ainda mais lucro. Tenho resultados semelhantes ou mesmo melhores em base mensal de forma consistente.
Declaração atualizada para julho de 2017.
Aqui está uma declaração atualizada. Como você pode ver que o comércio de GBPCHF flutuante me trouxe lucro muito bom de 134 pips. O lucro total em julho foi de US $ 14668. Não muito ruim por um mês de negociação, certo?
Meus resultados comerciais até agora em agosto de 2017.
Aqui está uma declaração atualizada para este mês de agosto de 2017. Como você verá, eu já fiz $ 13266, o que equivale a 1326 pips.
Estes são trades recentes para agosto de 2017.
Como você pode ver, eu fiz quase três mil pips em apenas um mês, o que equivale a quase 30K de lucro! Sim, o comércio foi ótimo em agosto. Imagine o que você pode conseguir com a minha ajuda. O céu é o limite!
Por sinal, se quiser ver os resultados atuais, entre em contato comigo e enviar-lhe-ei a declaração com os resultados até a data atual.
A beleza do meu software está na capacidade de trabalhar de forma consistente boa. Funciona porque se baseia em princípios de mercado reais e anos de experiência comercial. Eu faço o meu melhor para dar aos meus clientes apenas as ferramentas e os conhecimentos que realmente funcionam. Lembre-se, você pode negociar com sucesso, como eu ou melhor. Entre meus cleints, também há pessoas que nunca ouviram falar de negociação forex antes. Mas eles agora trocam e negociam com sucesso. Independentemente do seu nível de experiência, você pode ser bem sucedido na negociação. Tudo que você precisa é um método comprovado e ferramentas combinadas com seu verdadeiro desejo de se tornar um comerciante verdadeiramente bem-sucedido!
Gostaria de ter resultados comerciais como estes? VOCÊ CONSEGUE!
Estou negociando um pouco agressivamente porque estou confiante no meu sistema de software e comercial. Mas mesmo os comerciantes conservadores podem facilmente duplicar suas contas dentro de um ano com apenas um par de por cento do risco envolvido. Aqueles que ficam confiantes no meu software, geralmente aumentam o risco e conseguem duplicar suas contas várias vezes durante o ano de negociação. Entre os meus clientes, há gestores de fundos que usam meus métodos para gerenciar o dinheiro de outras pessoas com segurança e lucratividade. Mas você não precisa ser um comerciante profissional para ser bem sucedido em Forex. Não importa qual seja sua experiência comercial agora, você pode fazer um bom lucro a cada mês! Tudo o que você precisa é dar uma chance. Meus métodos de negociação podem ajudá-lo a atingir seus objetivos financeiros, independentemente do que sejam.
Muitos dos meus clientes simplesmente adoram o software FHG e muitas pessoas me pediram para criar uma EA para automatizar a estratégia. Bem, finalmente fiz isso. Além disso, eu projetei não apenas uma EA, mas na verdade eu projetei uma peça de software muito sofisticada que pode lhe dar a oportunidade de trocar o sistema da maneira que você quiser. Pode funcionar de forma semi-automática e totalmente automatizada. Você pode ajustar opções de gerenciamento de dinheiro, pares, cronogramas e muitas outras coisas muito úteis que o ajudarão a tirar ótimos lucros do mercado no mercado.
Quando você se torna meu cliente, você também terá esse robô sofisticado que pode se tornar seu assistente comercial e trabalhar para você 24/7 enquanto você simplesmente faz as coisas que quer fazer. O robô FHG irá ajudá-lo a liberar seu tempo e deixá-lo viver a vida e ganhar dinheiro sem ser colado aos gráficos.
Eu mostrei o sistema para você, o que pode levar sua negociação para um novo nível mais alto e dar-lhe uma vantagem melhor na negociação. Você está pronto para se levar a este nível mais alto de negociação? Se sim, você definitivamente precisa do meu software de sinais. Você não deveria ficar no mesmo nível onde você estava ontem. Você precisa avançar! Lembre-se sempre das vantagens que você possui no meu software de sinais. Essas vantagens superam qualquer outro serviço de sinais lá fora. Claro que o software dos meus sinais custa dinheiro e simplesmente não pode ser gratuito. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, não vou cobrar taxas mensais. Eu decidi cobrar um pagamento único razoável para compensar meus esforços que eu coloquei no desenvolvimento do meu software. Se você quiser obter acesso ao meu software de sinais, você precisará pagar uma taxa única de US $ 597. Sim, eu concordo que $ 597 é uma quantidade bastante grande para algumas pessoas, mas, por outro lado, você pode fazer esse valor facilmente usando o software de meus sinais. Muitos dos meus clientes facilmente duplicam suas contas em apenas um mês! É absolutamente possível.
Depois de efetuar uma compra, você terá acesso vitalício ao meu software, incluindo atualizações gratuitas. Sua licença nunca expirará, então você terá a liberdade de praticar e negociar em seu próprio ritmo. Você também está garantido para obter meu suporte pessoal ilimitado e contínuo! Além disso, eu posso instalar meu software no seu PC de forma remota e configurar seus gráficos. Eu farei isso para você absolutamente de graça!
Mas isso não é tudo. Todos os meus clientes recebem acesso à biblioteca de todas as minhas outras ferramentas que desenvolvi durante os anos de minha carreira comercial. Você terá acesso gratuito a ferramentas e materiais de treinamento muito exclusivos que você nunca encontrará em nenhum outro lugar. Todas as ferramentas e material de treinamento são projetados por mim pessoalmente. Você também terá acesso gratuito às minhas novas ferramentas que eu liberar de tempos em tempos e compartilhar com meus clientes.
Além disso, eu gostaria de tirar seu risco completamente. Sua compra é totalmente segura com a minha garantia de devolução do dinheiro.
Aqui está a sua Garantia de devolução do dinheiro de 100 dias.
Troque meu sistema por um total de 30 dias. Eu acho que você ficará feliz com seus resultados comerciais. mas se não. Depois de um esforço de boa fé por 30 dias completos, envie-me um e-mail se você não está satisfeito com seus resultados comerciais usando meu sistema, e eu reembolsarei seu pagamento, sem perguntas. você terá 30 dias para pedir um reembolso, depois de tentar por 30 dias completos. Apenas envie-me seu PayPal completo ou recibo do cartão de crédito entre o dia 30-60.
Eu só quero que você saiba que não preciso do seu dinheiro no caso de o meu software não funcionar como anunciado. Tenho confiança na qualidade dos serviços que presto. Sou uma pessoa séria que presta serviços de qualidade. E, em troca, espero sérias intenções de você. Tudo o que eu pergunto é que eu dê ao meu serviço uma tentativa séria por 30 dias completos e só depois decidir se meus métodos funcionam para você ou não.
If you're not a newbie in trading, you definitely understand it is impossible to say how good or bad this or that trading method is if you used it only for several days. Real trading is about perspective. It is about long term consistent positive results. If you're a serious person who knows what you actually need from trading, so welcome aboard! In my turn I promise, you will significantly improve your trading skills and results if you start using my signals software in your personal trading. You will have a lot of time to test my software and my trading methods and, believe me, you will be amazed with the results if you give it a good try.
Among my clients there are people of all walks of life. There are newbies and there are professionals. Among my clients there are also people who trade and manage other people's money. It is a big responsibility. And they use my software in everyday trading activities. And believe me they think not twice but ten times before adding this or that method into their trading arsenal. And these guys choose my services because they understand the true power and potential my software provides.
You do not have to be a fund trader to use my services. But here is the beauty of my service. I give everyone the opportunity to have the same professional hiqh quality market analysis software like elite traders have. Do you want to be among the tiny percent of successful traders? If yes, look no further. You've already found what you've been searching for so long time.
Some people ask me why I sell it if these are good tools that can help me make money in Forex trading? They ask what is the reason to share it with others? You know, I do not see anything bad at all in the opportunity to help other fellow traders change their lives for the better. Yes, I make some additional money by selling this system. But the money I make from selling this system is actually a drop in the ocean in comparison to the returns I get from trading Forex. So for me selling this system is really a hobby and the opportunity to help other people.
Some people also tell me I should give my tools for free in case I am already successful and make good money out of trading. In other words why do I ask money for my tools and training? Here is my question and the answer to those people. Why should I do this for free?! I've put much effort into creation of my tools and strategies. Moreover I provide ongoing support to my clients, provide updates of my software, share my other tools with them. Why should I do all these things for free? After all, I spend much of my time working on this project and I want my efforts to be compensated somehow. I do not see anything wrong in my desire to help other people become better traders and at the same time to be paid for my work. I'm glad I have the chance to share the tools and training with you that can help you make consistent profits out of trading. Why should I keep it a secret? The Forex market is too big! I'm not afraid of forex brokers or any kind of traders competition.
My product has nothing in common with all of those forex products sold on the Internet. By the way, there are many forex systems out there being sold for much higher price and those systems even are not worth the hosting fee their sellers pay to host their sales pages. I could be selling my forex course for any price I want and it would be worth each and every penny I ask for it, becuase my trading software does really work! I truly believe the price I set for my trading system is affordable taking into consideration the fact you can make much more than that already in your first weeks of trading with my software. By purchasing my system you will get all my software system modules you read about above on this page. I truly believe my knowledge and experience will be a great help to you and both will help you become a better trader. This is my goal. I want you to become a better trader in comparison to where you’re now. I want you to be successful and I will do my best to help you achieve your financial goals whatever they are. I sincerely wish to see you among the owners of the Golden Eagle FHG signals software, a privileged group of happy traders who possess the power to predict the next market’s move.
If you're still feeling unsure about your ability to become a profitable trader, always remember the words of Henry Ford who said "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right" This is you who decides what you can do and what you can't. If you think you can, I will show you the way and do my best to help you become a successful trader.

The simplest forex holy grail trading manual

I am going to share with you one of the simplest trading strategies you could ever come across. This is based on the idea “KISS - K eep I t S imple S tupid”. It doesn’t involve any fancy or complicated indicators nor does it involve any complex methodologies. After reading this you might wonder why it didn’t occur to you or if this really works. I assure you that if you follow this strategy exactly as explained here and also adhere to few basic rules and instructions, you will never have a losing week or a month (there could be few losing days once in a while). So if you are ready for it, here it goes-
Simple moving average 200 (for direction)
Simple moving average 10 (for entry)
Time frame - Any. Works on 5 min, hourly and daily charts. Day traders could use 5 min charts, Swing traders can use hourly charts and long term investor can use daily charts.
Item - It can be used for any currency pair, commodity, Indices or stocks.
Long Entry - When the price candle closes or is already above 200 day MA, then wait for price correction until price drops to 10 day MA, then when the candle closes above 10 day MA on the upside, the enter the trade. Stop loss would be when price closes below the 10 day MA.
Short Entry - When the price candle closes or is already below 200 day MA, then wait for price correction until price rises to 10 day MA, then when the candle closes below 10 day MA on the downside, the enter the trade. Stop loss would be when price closes above the 10 day MA.
Limit - Profit target would vary with each item. For day traders, I suggest profit target of 50% of daily Average Trading Range of that item for the last month.
Eg - If EUR/JPY (my favorite at the moment) has daily Average Trading Range of 120 for the last month, I would suggest profit target of 60 pips per day trade.
Profit targets for other items can be worked out in similar fashion. It would be a mistake to use same profit target levels for all currency pairs. In my opinion ever currency has a different personality. It means that the daily trading range, volatility, reaction to any news, etc is different for all currency pairs.
1. Follow the instructions for entry and exit exactly as above. Don’t second guess, or assume/presume anything.
2. Avoid entering the trade when the price is temporarily above /below 10 day MA, but the price candle hasn’t fully formed yet. Enter the trade only after the price candle closes above/below the 10 day MA.
3. Exit the trade immediately when the price candle closes above/below 10 day MA in the direction opposite to the trade. Don’t remain in the trade wishing it to turn in your favor.
4. Never ever trade in the opposite direction of the market. i. e. don’t buy when the price is below 200 day MA and sell when the price is above 200 day MA.
5. Take profits when limit is reached. Don’t be greedy and keep on increasing the target. Remember - A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
1. For forex day traders, this strategy works best in the London session as there is maximum volatility. Around 3am-11am NY time would be best time.
2. As this strategy is based on purely technical analysis, I suggest you switch off your inputs from fundamental analysis and news. Don’t allow fundamental analysis to influence the trades. Remember - Price is always right. Whatever effect fundamental analysis or News has on the currency will always reflected in the price.
3. Don’t jump into the trades. Allow time for the set up to be formed. There will always be opportunities available.
4. Leverage is a silent Killer. Don’t use excessive leverage for trading. Even the best strategy in the world will not prevent you from wiping out your equity.
5. Remember - Only 5% of day traders make money consistently. And trading strategy is not the number one reason for this. Failure to implement the strategy fully and not following the rules and guidelines is the number one reason for losses of majority of day traders.
I am attaching herewith screen shots of charts showing the entry and exit signals for different currencies and for different time frames.
Fig 1- Euro-USD chart for 14Feb 2013 showing profit of 50+ pips.
Fig 2- Euro-JPY 5min chart for 14Feb 2013 showing profit of 60+ pips.
Fig 3- GBP-JPY 5min chart for 14Feb 2013 showing profit of 50+ pips.
Fig 4- Euro-USD Hrly chart for from 22-31 Jan 2013 showing profit of 200+ pips.
Fig 5- Euro-JPY Hrly chart for from 04-15 Jan 2013 showing profit of 300+ pips.
Fig 6- GBP-JPY Hrly chart for from 09-15 Jan 2013 showing profit of 300+ pips.
As seen from the screenshots, this system is not a Holy Grail of trading, as a matter of fact, there isn’t any Holy Grail of trading strategy anywhere. Every system has profitable and losing trades. But as seen above, in this strategy, the profit from the profitable trades is cumulatively greater than the losses from the losing trades.
As a guide, I have observed that there are at least 2-3 profitable day trades in any given week(50-60 pips per trade using 5 min chart), 2-3 profitable swing trades available in a month(200-300 pips per trade using 1 hour chart) and 1-2 profitable long term trades in any given year(around 1000 pips per trade using daily charts). Using sound money management plan you can achieve return of 50-100% per year on your equity.
Thanks for taking time out to read this article.
Hope I have been able to add a little bit to your knowledge and wish all of you Good Luck in your trading!
I backtested against 10 years EURUSD and it was profitable. win rate was around 43% at 1:1.5, 213 trades with an average win of 118 pips. USDJPY was profitable but only just win rate of 30%
This is one of few strategies that actually backtested well over 10 years on Daily chart. 95% percent of strategies I see online dont come close so thanks. Not to say it will work in live but definalety something to look into.
It has also changed my view on moving averages at least for now.

The simplest forex holy grail trading manual

Suitable for US Clients.
New Holy Grail Extreme EA for the New Trading Conditions.
Proof of Results from 2nd February on a $1,000 FX Choice account which can be used by US clients.
In the summer of 2017, trading conditions changed dramatically and now, in 2018, they remain different! My first adaptation was to change to longer term trading but this proved very frustrating with some trades taking months and long waits between withdrawals. After a month of testing and research, the Holy Grail Extreme EA was developed to solve the problems. In order to give lots of trades, it starts off as almost a scalping EA and, if the TP is not hit, slowly changes into a long term trading EA until the trade comes out with a profit.
This gives us an average of just over one trade a day but still provides extreme safety, if needed, by adding longer and longer term trades so that we never have a loss. Of course, nothing is 100% guaranteed in trading but backtesting over 2017 and the even more difficult 2016 shows no losses on any trade at all. Yet we still average over 40% a month profit.
Below are the backtests for the whole of 2017. Shown for the recommended $1,000, you can use a minimum of $500 to achieve proportional results. Understand that trades may take anything from less than a day to a month with the average being a few days. Back tested to have no losses in 2016 and 2017 . You must use the M30 chart only.
USD/CHF, 0.02 Lots per $1,000, $660 profit and $370 drawdown.
EUR/GBP, 0.02 Lots per $1,000, $860 profit and $410 drawdown.
USD/CAD, 0.04 Lots per $1,000, $1,230 profit and $410 drawdown.
Gold, 0.03 Lots per $1,000 $1,228 profit and $435 drawdown.
Dow, 1.0 Lots per $1,000 (priced differently) $877 profit and $350 drawdown.
This totals 314 trades (26pm) and an average of $480 per month or 48% return with no losses . Where losses are shown in the report, it will be one tiny losing trade combined with winning trades to give an overall profit.
The package consists of the Holy Grail EA which is tied to your account number but does not expire, plus 5 one-click setup files for the EA (for the 5 instruments) to configure it with the correct settings. Since conditions may change in trading, I suggest you read the 'BackTesting' page so that you can become independent and make any future adjustments yourself. That said, the current settings have worked over the whole of 2016 and 2017, which included some crazy conditions and changed considerably from the summer of 2017 onwards.
A VPS is essential (see our VPS Guide Page) as you must have a guaranteed Internet connection at the time the trades are triggered plus it is beneficial to have just a few microseconds lag to the broker .
You really should have your MetaTrader running on a VPS - see my VPS Guide page. All the instructions work for installing on a VPS but, of course, you must either copy and paste from your own computer into the VPS or, probably better, copy all the files onto the VPS desktop and work entirely within the VPS. You certainly need to copy and paste the 5.set files to the VPS desktop.
Download the tpl file here RIGHT click and save).
I will email you the EA and the 5.set files which will only run on the account number you gave. Save the files to a folder on your hard drive or preferably a backup, external drive. Copy the HolyGrailExtreme. tpl file and open up your MT4. File - Open Data Folder and paste it into the templates folder. Copy the HolyGrailExtreme. ex4, File - Open Data Folder MQL4 - Experts and paste it into the experts folder. Restart MetaTrader.
Now we need to set up the five charts. Click on the Market Watch button as shown above (beneath View and Insert) and to make sure all the instruments are shown, Right click in the window and click 'Show all'. Find the USD/CHF, RIGHT click on it and click Chart Window to open up the chart. Repeat for the EUR/GBP, the Dow (maybe shown as US30), USD/CAD, Spot Gold (XAUUSD), and the Dow (US30). Close the Market Watch Window. You should always have the Terminal window open (ringed above), to monitor your trades and the button for this can be seen depressed above underneath Charts and Tools. Next, RIGHT click on the USD/CHF chart, templates and click HolyGrailExtreme to set the chart up complete with the EA - set the charts all on M30 or 30 Minute charts.
Sometimes MT4 has a fault where the template file does not load the EA (It actually loads it but does not show up), simply find the EA by opening Navigator at the top, opening the Experts folder and dragging the HolyGrailExtreme EA onto each chart. You should have AutoTrading turned off (at the top) when installing or the EA may open a trade immediately.
In order to load the correct settings we need to use the. set files which should have been copied to your desktop. RIGHT click on the first chart - Experts Advisors - Properties and go to the Inputs tab. Click on Load and point it to the desktop where it will show the 5.set files - double click on the correct one (obviously if you are on the USD/CHF chart choose USDCHF, etc.).
Repeat the process for all the charts and turn on Autotrading at the top of MetaTrader as shown below. and, if needs be, adjust the candle size by click on the + or - magnifying glasses but these should be OK if you loaded the. tpl file.
The set files should give you a different Magic Number for each chart but check this. Below are the settings which are now much more complex on the Extreme version of the Holy Grail EA.
Note that the 'Trade Limit' is set to 5 by default which means that after a sequence of 5 trades, the EA inputs a Stop Loss and stops trading any more. We should never need more than 3 trades or 4 at most so 5 represent a large loss of capital should the SL be hit. You can decrease it to 4 to limit losses or increase it to unlimited if you have extra capital and want to cover a worst case scenario! Be aware that capital is used up alarmingly fast after five trades and disappears after six! It would take very unusual conditions and a very large move without a retrace to need even 5 trades.
The Lot sizes shown are the maximum recommended and are pushing the limits if you have two trades open together bother on full drawdown. unless you have some reserve capital to cover a worst case scenario, you may want to reduce them slightly since we can still make big profits. For example, I use the figures for dollars with my GBP account.
On FXTM the Dow has a minimum of 1 lots but this is actually the same as 0.1 Lots for Forex and can be used with just $1,000 but you can't halve this and trade with $500. On FX Choice it should be 0.1 Lots per $1,100 .
Note that these are maximum values and a freak event could cause a shortage of capital so to be completely safe, reduce the values slightly but this is only possible with the full $1,000 or more. That said, we survived the whole of 2017 without even a scare and 2016 with an acceptable max drawdown but if two instruments max out at the same time you may need to add more capital!
Finally, to check that each EA is working, flip through the charts and make sure there is a smiley face next to the name of the EA top right of each chart.
Note that if exceptional conditions exist for a particular pair (such as the Brexit vote or the US elections, or possible dramatic news etc.) we should turn of trading for the affected pairs (if trades are open, set the Lot size to zero so that no new trade sequence is started or if no trades are open, untick the 'Allow live trading' box in the EA Properties). Normal financial news releases are not a problem.
Tip to avoid overnight Swap Fees with FXTM after the swap free week runs out . Since some trades will be open for a few weeks, swap fees can mount up. One cunning trick is to close old trades and open new ones manually at the current price with the same Lot size and TP. This will give you exactly the same result but with no swap fees for another week. However, you must always leave at least one trade in the sequence open otherwise the EA will no longer be in control of the trade. For this reason, I would only recommend this technique to experienced trades. You have to pay the commission again but this will be less than repeated swap fees!
If you want to become an independent trader, you must learn how to back test and update the settings here.
Recommended Brokers - choose ECN and 1:500 Leverage. Forex Time can be Swap free (inside your back office).
Forex Choice offers US clients the same conditions as the rest of the world but with 1:200 Leverage, so an extra 10% capital is required to trade te same Lot size as FXTM. On the plus side, they have very low overnight swap fees.
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Simple Forex.
The Forex Trading Course That Thousands Have Downloaded!
Welcome To The Simple Forex Trading Course.
1000′s Of Traders have downloaded my Simple Forex Trading Course and you can to for FREE!
My Simple Forex Trading Course will teach you all the basics of the forex market and how to use this simple trading strategy. You will learn how to find trading opportunities, how to limit your losses and how to let your profits run! This is no holy grail but just a basic course on how to get started trading forex for fun!
Chapter 1: What Is Forex? Chapter 2: Why Trade Forex Chapter 3: What Is A Spread and A Pip? Chapter 4: Introduction to Charts and Technical Analysis Indicators Chapter 5: Simple Steps To Setting Up Your Simple Forex Trading System Chapter 6 The Simple Forex Trading System Chapter 7: Trading Chapter 8: Trading Tips On How To Become A Better Trader Chapter 8: Trading Tips On How To Become A Better Trader Chapter 9: Recap Of The Simple Forex Trading System Chapter 10: Other Forex Exiting Strategies Chapter 11: Money Management Chapter 12: What’s Next? Chapter 13: Simple Forex Trading Rules Chapter 14: Things To Consider Chapter 15: Which Forex Firm Should I Trade With?

Holy Grail system.
Mr Monther Qader from Jordan ( ) sent us this system.
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& # 8216; The Holy Grail Of Forex Trading Strategies & # 8217; & # 8211; Quadro diário de horários.
Let’s face it, 95% of you reading this are probably not consistently successful traders, in fact, you’ve probably blown out a trading account or three by now. You probably enter a trade and then sit at your computer watching the market tick away or reading economic news for the next two hours, unable to think about anything but what “could” happen to your trade. Maybe you can’t even sleep at night because you are so addicted to the 5 minute chart and to watching every pip of price movement that all you can think about is the market. If any of this sounds all too familiar to you, it’s obviously time for a change; it’s time to start concentrating your trading efforts on the daily chart time frame .
You know how that old cliché goes about ‘getting what you’ve always gotten from doing what you’ve always done ‘…well now is the time to make the change…the one lesson that I learned early on in my trading career that helped me the most, was that the noise and false-signals of a 5 or 15 minute chart (lower time frames) were simply not worth spending my time on or risking my money on. I believe that daily chart trading can be your “Holy Grail” in the markets, here’s why…
Trading the 5 minute chart (and other lower time frames) decreases your chances of success and is widely considered gambling:
I am going to tell you guys something right now that you may not have thought about before…you only need 1 big winning trade a month to be a successful Forex trader. Yup, that’s correct, 1 big winning trade a month.
How is that possible you might ask? Well, I’ll bet if you go look at your trading account history right now you might just find the answer yourself. You see, most of you are losing money because you are trading too often, and you are trading too often because you are fixated on over-analyzing the market, Forex news variables, and lower time frame charts (I consider any chart under the 1 hour to be “lower time frame”).
Some of you probably even know that this over-involvement with the market is why you are losing money regularly or struggling to keep your head above water. Yet, even though you know it’s keeping you from achieving success in the markets, you cannot break your addiction to trading lower time frame charts and over-analyzing the markets. But, the cold hard truth of the matter is that you will likely never be a successful trader until you first break this addiction…
Now, here is why I firmly believe that trading lower time frame charts is a waste of time and money.
Trading a 5 minute chart stimulates the reward centers of your brain…it gives you instant gratific a tion. Having patience and discipline to focus ONLY on the daily charts takes more effort from your more highly-evolved bra in areas. So, what it really comes down to is that traders who are addicted to the lower time frames cannot break free from th e instant stimulation they get when they enter a trade…even if it usually results in them losing money, because each time they enter the market, their brains are flooded with endorphins from the “thrill” of potentially making a lot of money really fast . So, the point here is that traders who are addicted to trading a 15 minute chart are actually addicted to the feeling they get from entering the market, and this means they are unable to use their more advanced planning and long-term brain areas effectively. It does not mean they are incapable of using them, it just means that they either don’t know they are addicted to trading lower time frames, or they don’t know how to stop it.
I have personally only met a few day-traders who make money consistently, and they almost all seem really frazzled and strung-out, like a junky who cannot stop thinking or talking about their drugs (the market). Sure, it’s possible to make money from sitting in front of your computer 8 hours a day staring at each tick, but why in the world would you want to? Let’s face it, watching the market tick away is not really that fun, NOR is it productive…at all.
Now, let’s get back to my main point that trading lower time frames is decreasing your chances of winning and destroying your trading account. To focus on daily chart trading you need patience and mental fortitude, this takes intelligence and forward-thinking, it takes checking your ego at the door, and it takes a realistic attitude. Anyone can go to a casino and get lucky a few times at the poker table, but why do you think it’s possible for some people to win at poker again and again and again, to the point where they make a living from it? It’s because they have taken a longer-term view and they realize that their success is not defined by any one hand of cards, just like your trading success is not defined by any one trade. So, if you want to turn your trading around, it’s time to swallow your need to “control” the market and for instant gratification, and begin taking a longer-term view of the markets by focusing on the daily chart time frame.
Nial, I don’t have enough money to trade the daily charts…
I get this email almost every day: “Nial, how can I trade the daily charts when I need to have wider stop losses and I don’t have a lot of money in my account, I can only afford to trade the 15 minute chart for now, then when I build up my account I will trade longer time frames”…
Many traders think this way, and it’s usually just because they don’t know enough about Forex trading position sizing or because they think by trading bigger position sizes on the lower time frame charts they are going to somehow make money faster.
So let me set this straight for you guys right now: Through position sizing, you can trade the daily charts just fine on a small trading account…you just have to trade a smaller position size. But, let’s face it, if you have a small trading account you should not be trading large position sizes anyways! You need to get rid of this attitude of “getting rich quick” and thinking that trading a 15 minute chart is somehow going to provide you with more opportunities to profit.
Here’s the deal… Yes, there are MORE trades on a 15 minute chart, however, there are also more false-signals and there is more random market noise, so you are just going to end up taking more losing trades and stressing yourself out more. This all contributes to a poor trading mindset and ultimately to you losing more and more money.
Look at this chart below of the daily spot Gold market. There was an obvious pin bar strategy from February 16th that we discussed first in the members’ forum and then in the free commentary from February 17th, as well as in the members’ commentary. This trade setup was clearly with the existing up trend, it was well defined, and formed near two areas of support….a ‘no-brainer’ for savvy price action traders like my members. The point is this…if you wait patiently and hit one big winner like this a month, you are doing very very well. My main trading philosophy is to trade Forex like a sniper, and this is a prime example of how that’s done:
Why you need to make the daily time frame your primary chart starting today…
• Daily charts provide more clarity.
As I stated before, lower time frames are full of random market “noise” and false-signals, you will eliminate most of this noise by simply focusing on the daily charts. Focusing on the daily charts will also give you a clearer view of the overall market picture and will naturally improve your ability to read the market’s direction both near and long term.
• Daily charts help you develop a more effective and accurate market bias.
Understanding the overall daily time frame bias of the market is very important for trading the daily charts and the 4hr or 1hr charts too. I do teach 4hr and 1hr time frame trading, but it’s crucial to master daily chart trading first so that you get a feeling of the underlying market sentiment. This goes along with developing your discretionary price action trading skill; you have to learn to “read” the market and get in touch with its ebbs and flows…it sounds a little cheesy maybe, but the market talks via price action, and if you “listen” closely enough to what it is saying you can understand where it is most likely to go next.
While the amount of money you risk per trade is a highly personal decision that depends on your individual financial situation, trading the daily charts can allow you to risk a bit more per trade than trading the lower time frames. Take note: I am NOT saying you should risk more per trade, I am saying that when you only TRADE 3 TIMES A MONTH (or thereabouts), you clearly can risk more money on one trade than if you are trading 30 times a month. So, this is an answer to the question “Nial, I can’t make as much money trading the daily charts as I can on the lower time frames”…yes you can because when you trade like a sniper you inherently enter far fewer trades each month than if you trade like a machine gunner, so this allows you to trade more lots per trade. However, keep in mind, this obviously only works if you can remain disciplined enough to not jump back into the market on revenge after you have a losing trade.
• Daily charts reduce the frequency with which you trade – slow and steady wins the race.
One thing I firmly believe in is that Forex trading success is largely a result of the quality of the trades you take…not the quantity of trades you take . By simply reducing the frequency with which you trade, you will simultaneously improve your odds of succeeding over the long-term. You need to understand and accept the fact that 2 or 3 quality trades a month is going to put you much further ahead than 20 or 30 emotion-fueled impulse trades a month…no matter how good it makes you feel to take them. Remember, the tortoise won the fabled race because he was slow and consistent, instead of fast and full of emotion like the hare…
Shift your thinking (Take this stuff seriously)
Trading success is a direct result of the way you think about the markets. So, if you view the markets as a game of chance that you just like to “play around with” and you think you will make money by getting lucky every now and then…your trading account will quickly shrink in size.
Professional traders view the market as an arena to spot high-probability setups, setups that virtually “jump” off the chart at them; they then trade these setups and risk only an amount of money that they are 100% comfortable with losing. They also view the markets as a reflection of their own ability to control their emotions and actions in an arena of constant temptation…most people cannot do this consistently, and that’s why many people are bad at trading. It takes consistent control of your emotions and actions in the market to produce consistent trading results.
To shift the way you think about trading, you need to start getting excited about patience and about NOT trading…understand that the way you are thinking now is the way most traders think about the market…and most traders lose money…so if you can learn to do what most traders don’t do and think opposite from them…it goes to reason that you will greatly improve your chances of making money…
Making the transition into ‘daily chart’ price action trading.
Now that you understand why trading a 5 minute or other lower time frame chart is counter-productive to achieving long-term success in the markets, it’s time to make the transition to daily time frame trading. There is no sure-fire way to eliminate the temptation of the lower time frame charts, but if you re-read this article and some of my other Forex articles, you will reinforce the reasons why taking a slower and longer-term view on the market is the quickest way to making money as a trader.
The daily chart time frame is at the heart of how I trade and how I teach; my price action trading strategies and my overall trading philosophy revolve around taking a calm and stress-free approach to the markets. I know what I am looking for on the charts, if it shows up, I enter the trade, if not, I walk away from my computer.
The underlying point that you should take away from today’s lesson is that the more you push and “try” to make money in the markets by burning your eyeballs out staring at lower time frame charts, the more the money you so badly desire will elude you. Trading is an art, and like any art, it takes practice to become good at, but trading is a different beast because to excel at trading you need to take a largely “hands-off” approach, meaning you have to look at and study the markets a lot while actually “doing” relatively little (meaning not trading). Indeed, trading is the ultimate test of self-discipline and will power, and the more you develop these abilities, the more you will find that the profits you seek from the markets are not so elusive after all. If you enjoyed today’s lesson and want to learn more about developing a calm and stress-free approach to your Forex trading, check out my price action Forex trading course.
About Nial Fuller.
Why Trading The Daily Charts Will Improve Your Trading Results.
How To Grow A Small Trading Account Successfully.
The One Trade per Week Forex Trading Strategy.
(My Secret Trading Weapon) – The Most Important Ingredient to Trading Success.
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153 Comments Leave a Comment.
Is this the reason why 95%of traders lose money trading the lower time frames?
I used to trade the lower time frames heavily made money too but I was stressed and found myself thinking about charts all day. I found higher time frames by accident and never looked back. I still lose traded but not as much and I feel so much better.
Great article nial. A must read for all beginner traders.
I have not yet began trading but am studying my different options for executions. This seems so true because back in my poker days when I used to play a bunch of hands for small wins id end up playing a bad one that lost all my wins and my payroll. Where as when i was patient for my good hand id win the amount of all those small pots together and more without all the little and big losses to follow. So i definitely notice a big connection between these two games and the philosophy of patient play versus quick and impulsive ones.
I guess I am seeing this late… I am a victim of emotional trading but the love of forex won’t keep me away…. you said in your article, trading 15m and below is highly risky and considered as gambling… however, 30m, 1hr, 4hr… were not mentioned. Can one trade successfully and consistently using 30m, 1hr & 4hr trades? Because I am currently learn and the immediate switch from 1m to 1d charts looks very difficult from my point of view… Obrigado,
Nial, I love this article particularly, and I have read many. I first started trading a little more than a month ago, and following your advice, I quickly started to realize great, consistent profits trading the daily charts. However, I am a naturally curious person, and having encountered some interesting trading strategies for lower timeframes, I decided to try my “luck”.
After research, study, and practice, I would reap great profits in 15 minutes or an hour on the 15m or 5m charts. Then, I would have an equally bad or twice as bad losing streak the next day. And I couldn’t make consistent profits. Reviewing my demo account, I noticed that my most profitable times were with your strategies on the daily chart, so I decided to revisit your website and see what you had to say on the subject.
Low and behold, I was suckered into impulsive gambling by the allure of quick profits without realizing it. I went in with the best of intentions, lead by curiosity and greed.
My true aim is self-control and iron-clad willpower, so I will be returning to the daily charts, implementing the strategies as you have described them. I’m sure you have lots of emails and feedback like my own, so mine may have little significance to you amidst all the “noise”, but I wanted to reinforce what an amazing job you are doing in sharing your knowledge with people like myself. Resources like yours enable people to climb out of soul-sucking wage labor.
my two take home points today.
1. ‘I am going to tell you guys something right now that you may not have thought about before…you only need 1 big winning trade a month to be a successful Forex trader. Yup, that’s correct, 1 big winning trade a month’
2. I know what I am looking for on the charts, if it shows up, I enter the trade, if not, I walk away from my computer.
You wrote, ” I know what I am looking for on the charts, if it shows up, I enter the trade, if not, I walk away from my computer”
I am curious. So, can you clarify what it is that you look for on the charts?
Thanks Nial. U are so on point. Av blown my account severally bcos i didnt know which time frame to really trade. Always boxing up everything but now as am preparing to hit the fx market again and very sure to blow after trainings like this. Thanks Nial.
Thanks for the lesson. The seductive shorter time frames are a real trap. Really appreciate the importance of changing my midset and using the daily charts as a baseline. Thanks once again.
Marvelous Nial!! You are an Angel for we traders.. May all your wishes come true!
I am trying to comprehend what exactly you meant here and will appreciate you could help me with this matter by answering the below questions:
I understand you trade on daily charts, but Does Nial Often Checks The Market On Four Hours Intervals on H4, Or Rather Solely Deals With Daily Charts For The Purpose Of Entries and Exits?
Monitoring 10 instruments 6 times a day on four-hour charts translates into 60 times analysis on one single trading day that could be really drowning, whereas dealing with daily charts downscale it to 10 analysis a day, if I am correctly getting what you have been trying to say.
Agradecemos antecipadamente pela sua resposta.
I perform analysis on daily charts at the end of the New York session and I check live trades a couple of times per day. (in the morning and in the evening)
Hello, I’ve been trading for about 4 years and it finally took me that long to realize that the lower time frames are the problem. Everything Nial mentioned in this article is true. Really good advice, but you have to wean yourself off the lower time frames first. I would never trade anything, but daily chart trades.
Thanks so much Nial, your article very helpful for a newbie Trader like me. B-)
Nial nial nial, Thank you very much, You have been such a great inspiration for me, as I am started to trade for 6 months , keep the good work , one day I will come and see you . God bless you.
I just started getting in to trading and coming across this is making me doubt my strategy. Is it possible to still be successful on a smaller time scale? I have been trading on a 4 hour, 1 hour, and 15 min scale depending on if I am looking for a trend or entry, then set my stops accordingly. I don’t sit glued staring at charts for hours on end, I check back a few times to see if I have a confirmed entry signal and that’s it.
Jesse, I am not a fan of short time-frames, I much prefer the higher time-frames eg: 4 hour and daily charts.
This is probably one of the best articles I have read about fx trading. Nial you are spot on here man. I have found no success with the 5 min b. s set up and you are right I am chasing nothing but emotion with the lower time frames. I will admit this fault and change it today. I can tell by your comments that this article stuck a cord with a lot of us traders. Much success to everyone on this board that seemed to absorb this information so well. Nial my man. Keep doing what you are doing, DAILY!!
Hi why there different day chart for different trading platform also different chart for different timezone. Even though forex market opens same time all over the world. Trading platform opens a dayily candle midnight base on their respective countrys timezone. I am quite confused the signal i can see from Uk might be different from the signal a trade sees from Us or far east. Please can you explain.
Thanks bruh, really helpful.
This makes a lot of sense. Almost every trader I know trades the M15. And every trader I know loses money. The lower time frames are just chaos and noise. The D1 is crystal clear (or pretty damn close!)
Yes, there are fewer trades and you’re holding them for a lot longer (my record is holding a trade for 40 days) but the ROI is much higher and with pyramiding, it’s insane. I trade five pairs and typically only have one 2% trade a month in each but the return is usually 8-10% in each pair. Huge.
If you can’t seem to make money as a trader, try trading D1 before throwing in the towel. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. And if you find it too boring that’s OK. Still trade D1 and go find something else to do for your kicks!
Thanks for sharing your experience!
M. A Hameed from Dubai and newbie in forex trading wondering how to learn fundamental skill to become a professional trader. Indeed your great and down to earth research and knowledge is empowering me to learn step by step. Your articles are incredible resources for us to go through the career path. Wish you best of luck!
Good article and its a must to read and apply for new traders. Thanks.
It is a great article about the inside of forex trading and why lower time frame won’t help to become consistent winner. I had the same experience when I was using the lower time frame. CHANGE to daily time frame is a must to get high probability trades. Thanks a lot Nial for your art of writing of all your articles. They are very informative & easy to understand. Keep up your good work. GOD BLESS YOU Nial.
This is the truth you explain in this artical. Thanks Nail.
great advice nial.
Very sound and logical article. I sometimes wonder are there any 5min chart winners at all! It’s true that daily chart is more efficient than 5 mins but overall, market itself is not and that’s how winners cashout from losers.
In relation to the article, the only time I ever made huge profit was buying and adding on to my long term position in silver from $37 to $49 more than 1000 pips and why it happened? Cuz one day I was tired of gambling and decided to long silver cuz it was a hot topic and the daily chart was bullish. I had no bs tight stops and bought very little amount. I added and added more while trailing the stop till one day my P/L was so attractive I took a screen shot of it :-)
Very frank, but the 1st sentence hit home with my experience. That’s why I like Nial’s approach in teaching. Being blunt is probably the quickest way to learn. To many it may seem like a slap in the face; but to many it’s very well needed.
Great comment Nial, the best Id never read on forums… since I began to trade with 1d, (I trade with 12 hrs as well) all was changed. I think some people will be able to trade properly just reading your post, and no time later like me! I will keep and recommend this site to newbies.
Just please, the pic :(
I know everybody says “The Holy..” but its really Holy :P.
Thanks Nial, you are the great like always Thank you.
greatest write up about price action i ever read. thanks Nial.
Excellent and Helpful article. thanks for sharing!
all the books Ive read and the videos I have watched has never sound this easy, I wished I knew of your knowledge when I was blowing money or should I say giving away money.
You are so cool! I do not suppose I have read something like this before.
So great to discover another person with a few original thoughts on this.
topic. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with.
a little originality!
Excellent article thnks!
Great article, thankx for sharing.
Very eye opening Nial. You are one of a kind. You are a straight shooter no bs no gimmicks. It is your true desire to help other succeed and not just sell a product that sets you apart. I have learned much from you free lessons videos and commentaries. I thank you Nial, and this is why I will be purchasing your trading course.
great article Nial.
Thank you so much for generously sharing your valuable knowledge. May God Bless you.
I am a experienced and consistently profitable trader with over 5 years experience. Your article is 100% correct. I’ve seen “gurus” charge very steep fees to disclose such information.
You are truly a rare gem who speak the the truth.
Very nice article nial.
fantastic article… playing around with 5 min and lower time frames chart is totally like wiping your account instant. I lost 5k in just a matter of 2 months.. so I am now really looking for long term horizon.. and yeah DAILY CHART is the holy grail.. people are still searching for the holy grail, but they don’ t know holy grail is just in their pc’s in the form of daily chart.
Your articles are refreshing; Does taking trades off a larger time chart(daily chart) work for other markets like Futures and options charts.
Nial, you’re so incredible. i’m a victim of lower timeframe, i was even trading this same lower timeframe while reading your article. i will keep reading this article to change my weak knowledge about trading (trading the lower timeframe).i enjoyed every bit i read here so i just have to leave a comment and say A BIG THANKS TO YOU Nial. Cheers.
You have just described my trading over the last 6 months. Can I make the switch (that I know I need to do)to the daily chart? The hard work starts now. Thanks Nial for your honest words.
I have read 3 articles in a row and still love to read but have to sleep as per your training we need to maintain our decipline levels. Thanks much!!
Thank you Nial, I was not wrong in monitoring trend trading thru daily time frame.
Very good article Nial, i am feeling the same nowadays as well, thanks a lot for your sharing and hope i can be a trader like you in the near future…..fingers crossed ;-)
Thx Nail. Thx for the lesson. I totally agree on what u say.
Sometimes all it takes is to have what we konw is the right approach in our minds alraedy put in front of us like this, to actually take action.
it gives me such motivation and knowledge of your each and every article and chart, inspired me to do well in every trade. thank u very much.
Great teaching Nial!!
Indeed the state that we are in, is vital in our trading result.
Thanks Nial this has giving me a somewhat better direction.
Thank You for this valuable information.
WE really really like your stuff.
Thanks Nail, I enjoy your blog.
Thank you very much Nial…
I agree with everything here. Thanks for that Nail. I want to know if you have a section where we can make question and you can answer this question. Exist this? Thanks again. William.
Muito obrigado. I may undertstand it.
Nial, your teachings are just practical truths.
Wow, what a nice sdiscipline to engage to such a learning process, will try to trade less.
Nial you are a rare Gem in the forex market community, May God continue to bless you. More Green pips to your trading.
i also have a game plan that looking like this and doing well with it before read this article. thanks.
So simple yet so effective in the short space of time that I have visited this website a lot of my questions have been answered…
I look forward to becoming a member so I can learn how to be a successful trader.
You r not just considered an Authority in Price Action…boy, you sure do preach with Authority on Price Action..let him who is wise listen n learn..glad l took the right steps towards you…you r a breath of Fresh Air in the complex world of FX trading…Cheers!!
Greetings, do you factor in any particular time of day? Meaning, do you look at the markets for morning and/or night trading, or have a preference for either? Thanks in advance :) EC.
Great stuff Nial.
Totally agree with your excellent article.
A couple of small points I would like to add please.
It is possible to be a very profitable trader on the lower time frames…BUT…one must exercise the same sort of PATIENCE required for the Daily time frames (Don’t over trade)
And ..the lower time frames MUST suit your personal makeup(Type of person you are)
It is fair to say the larger time frames will not suit everyone, just as the shorter time frames will not suit many, many traders personal makeup….So to sum up what a great article and learning to trade the time frame(s) that suit Your personal makeup with PATIENCE is critical…
Thanks again Nial.
Awesome insight into myself … and my flaws. Obrigado.
One of your best articles, well done! It’s also one of the best pieces of advice currently on the internet in relation to trading.
The daily time-frame is all that is needed for people to trade “for a living”. We just start at different starting points but the key is to accept your start position and begin to head towards the finishing line.
There have been countless cases of retail (and professional) traders getting caught up in their emotions (greed in this case) and consequently blowing their accounts.
In my humble opinion, position sizing stands alongside a traders strategy in terms of importance to being a successful trader. So few people touch upon this subject but all successful traders know the following when entering a trade:
1. How much they are risking on this trade.
2. How much they are looking to make on this trade.
The above is only possible through position sizing on each and every trade. The novice trader will often trade 1 mini-lot per trade or there abouts but this does not make the above two statements true and hence the account does not grow according to expectations.
Thanks again for your article and as you can see, you’ve touched a raw nerve for me as I firmly believe in the points you have raised and I don’t think the importance of the points are emphasised enough.
This is a great article and i think if some of the so called fx guru read this they will be submissive to enough to learn more.
Great, thx Nial, as ever…
Thanks for the reminder and motivation to stay patient.
I’ve been trying many short timeframe strategies. They’re all gone wrong. But with daily charts, I get much better results. Stick on Daily!
Informative and useful article with some hidden truth. Want to learn more from you.
I’m a believer that one does need experience before one will master something (there’s the rule of a thumb of 10000 hours to become a master). It takes some time to really come to the point to realize and to be at ease with your greedy mind to accept the truth that reducing trading frequency does improve your performance. Only enter the 95% trades and then go away…I hope that the people will sometime really see the truth of what your constantly saying.
As always what a wonderful article. The same thing happened to me as what Chris pointed out in his mail. My “Guru” also told me trade 5min chart and I have experienced the consequences. The really bad thing about is that you are so addicted to it and struggling to come out of it. I think this will be a good lesson for traders like me.
Thank you for your excellent teaching.
Nial: Many thanks again for a g r e a t article. It should.
be read by all fx traders, new or old, and followed.
A great article and a must read for all traders who think the money is in the lower time frames. Invariably most traders start out with the wrong mindset and it is those who are persistant with their education realise after time that 5-15 minute charts are the playground of gamblers and 4hour-daily charts are for traders. I started with the 5 minute chart several years ago and blew my account several times before I realised that patience, discipline and the ‘less is more’ approach in terms of frequency of trading is where the success lies. I trade twice a month on average. Happy Trading.
Thanks sir nial..this’s one of my best articles ave read…patience, discipline. on the daily chart is the key…
Thank you so much Nial,
brilliant article, as always.
It would seem logical if a person is going trade a daily chart, it would be helpful to look at a longer term chart say for example the weekly chart to know where one is at in the bigger picture, a 4 hour chart if one is going to trade a 1 hour chart to determine whether we are at resistance/supply or support/demand. For example, if we are looking at a daily chart to trade and we see that the weekly chart is near a support level in the long term chart, we might have to find that level on daily chart to see if their is enough room to trade it for profits.
A great stuff. Thanks Nial.
Another great lesson, thanks Nial, you are an excellent Mentor.
Greetings from the CZECH REPUBLIC.
As usually a brilliant article. Anti scalping definition nicely sharpened there. I also appriciate the english writting stile of yours, the nice hidden humor you drop “between the lines” is always matching the case and hitting the point in the end, showing no mercy towards the run down scalpers. Thanks a lot for it and I am already looking forward for another catchy article like this. Price action setups forever.
Sound Advice Nial’s, I wish that I would have taken your lessons two years ago when I first started. I agree that the daily time frames will keep me out of losing more trades than I should. I understand and will make good use of this lesson. Thanx Nial’s.
“To shift the way you think about trading, you need to start getting excited about patience and about NOT trading…understand that the way you are thinking now is the way most traders think about the market…and most traders lose money…so if you can learn to do what most traders don’t do and think opposite from them…it goes to reason that you will greatly improve your chances of making money…”
If everyone gets this one statement from Nial, you understand what he is trying to teach…EXCELLENT NIAL.
HI NIAL Thank you so much. Your recommended”DAILY”timeframe.
is a sure ANTI-DOTE to unwanted losses. You are so honest in.
sharing your valuable knowledge. It speaks of your Nobility.
Thank you once again.
kindest REGARDS. AMIN.
Excellent article. Higher time frames foster discipline, patience and have a more healthy effect on us mentally. I also.
come from a poker playing background and to be successful you really do have to understand that its about the long term results. Anyone that goes for a quick fix, fast profits, instant gratification ultimately ends in pain. Forex along with poker offers all the pitfalls, highs and lows that any adrenaline junkie could ask for. You can make it hard or easy for yourself and trading the higher time frames is the easy route. Be kind to yourself and slow down and enjoy your wonderful life!
Such good advice. I figured this out on my own after a year and a half of trading. Daily charts are the way to go but I still trade on the 4 hour charts too. Anyone can be successful trading price action strategy on the higher time frames. It is quite simple, trading forex is not as complex as most “gurus” want you to believe.
I want to be a better trader and am looking forward to trying longer time frames. Thanks for the great advice!!
true stuff. I wish i read this year ago and listened to it rather thinking my plan would work. yeah i made thousands in one day greed and lack of knowledge soon lost a lot more than i gained wasting money hitting highs and lows.
Nial it’s an honor to have you as my Mentor. All the time i review your articles better trader i become. The best thing about your articles and your course it’s that, with all this good information you give me, it alouds me to do my own plan, with my own ideas, on my own time.
Thanks a lot Nial.
another gem…:-) thank you!
Every day I am learning something. May God bless you and your family. the harvest is as ones sow. your harvest will be wealth, health and life long respect.
I am in the way to be successful trader.
Nial… It’s a incredible lesson. I opened my account last month. Nearly 60% of my money lost because of what you say above. After that I focus higher time frame. And earn some moolah. It’s true what you said, but I am late….. (Sigh.. If you publish this one month before… I can make some sense.)
Coming from a die-hard day trader who trades from the 5 minute and 15 minute charts, I am convinced that you are indeed correct. I have been struggling to stay ahead as a day-trader for the past 8 months. I have 2 accounts – one was opened last September and the other this past December. The September account has an account balance of 3,100 (opened at 2,500), but the Equity in the account is only 1,100. That’s because I had to hedge alot of my trades to avoid losses I feel I did not deserve to lose. The same thing is happening to the December account which has a balance of 2,850 (opened at 2,500) and the equity is at 1,850 because of hedge positions. I work so hard at this on a daily basis, getting up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning and trading until noon and sometimes later. I feel like I am knocking myself out burning myself out trying to become successful at this business. The reason I put hedge trades on is because I am getting tired of blowing out accounts and accepting losses I don’t deserve to lose. Maybe it is time for a change to the Daily charts. Hopefully it will solve the problems I have been having, and get me back on the road to success. I love this stuff, and I have put alot of hard-earned money and time into it. I don’t want to give up on it, especially when it fits in to my personality so well.
Awesome article, another Great insight and definitely soooooo much truth in what you say, I thank you Nial for really opening my eyes in this forex business.
The course is fantastic, it will help me to fix my shortcomings in forex trading.
thanks over the pieces of information revealed.
Lots of wisdom here. I have been trading for 6 years — sure wish I had started trading Daily charts.
Nial is absolutely right. The daily and 4H time frame completely changed the game for me. This article is a winner.
Fantastic, you will help many of the would be fx traders. Thanks and keep up the good deed…..
This is the first thing that I learned from Nial a long time ago, and it has paid and paid and paid ever since.
Great article Nial, I have been consistently profitable for 6 months now thanks to your methods!
I Wouldn’t say I’m part of a 95% but I love reading articles like these to just bring myself back to reality and also home in on some psychology skills Nial has to offer. I think today’s article has re-inforced trading like a sniper! Instead of looking and trying to force opportunity in the market. Patience and Discipline is the KEY!! Obrigado.
Trading in daily charts with quality setups only, is the fastest way to earn from the forex market. So true this statement is. Thanks for your all insight Nial.
Some else above mentioned a Mantra. How about “Less is More”
I really liked this article especially in the last paragraph, i. e., “you have to look at and study the markets a lot while actually “doing” relatively little (meaning not trading). Indeed, trading is the ultimate test of self-discipline and will power,”
This is a great insight to trading, great lesson.
Thanks Nial. Great article as always. Really. I’m a member since a long while and still appreciate all your articles. Especially this one. You made my day. =) Thanks.
Another point against trading lower time frames that is not mentioned is that in any forex trade you have to cross the spread (usually around one or two pips depending on the pair) so the market maker/broker get their cut.
If you are trading a longer time frame you might have 100 pip stop with a 300 pip profit target so crossing the spread doesn’t cost that much on a trade by trade basis. But if you have small stop of five pips with a 15 pip profit target that a spread of 1.5 pips represents 10% of your profits.
thank you very much for this article. Very enjoy that and agree in 100% – daily chart is the holy grail.
All the best and have a fantastic weekend. :-)))))))))))))
Josef from the CZECH REPUBLIC.
I started dancing with the lower time frames on a demo account and walked away with aching feet and my head spinning wondering what moves did I make. I now dance exclusively with the daily and on some occasions the 4hour charts and the steps which are given through your instructions allow me to sail acrose the floor.
I sincerely appreciate your lesson.
I started dancing with the lower time frames on a demo account and walked away with acheing feet and my head spinning wondering what moves did I make. I now dance exclussively with the daily and on some occassion the 4hour charts and the steps which are given through your instructions allow me to sail acrose the floor.
I sincerely appreciate your lesson.
Controlling your emotions in an “arena of constant temptation”… great description of the markets.
Another top article Nial, cheers.
Nial your articules always inspire me to be the successful trader I’ve always dreamed of becoming.
I’m coming onboard with you shorting.
Gary (from Canada eh.)
It’s time to change my trading style…:)
As a trader, I never traded any time frames lower than the 4hr chart. As a matter of fact, I discontinued using the 4hr chart and only focus on the daily about 2 months! Big improvement!
In addition to trading the daily, try not focus on too many pairs!
Each pair has it owns ebbs and flow and we need to know the market by listening and reading it! If we have to do this many pairs, we’ll lose focus!
Thank you Nial for this article! A superb one!
This is a nice article and i think if some of the so called fx guru read this they will be submissive to enough to learn more.
i really appreciate ypur articles, i have blown my account lyk 5 times but this year i decided to only focus on the daily chats and thanks to your advise my account keep on growing and growing nyc1.
Good day Sir Since finding you I have figured out what you say is true. Trading is alot les stressful now, and guess what i make more money. I send every trader i meet to you. However only the ones with some brains embrace your style. The rest flounder even years later. Thank you for everthing.
Nial, have just finished the first paragraph and I had to post and say… Right on! While you can, and some do be profitable from only looking at smaller time frames, it is extremely tough. I know my fair amount of successful small time frame traders and I can say that every one of them knows exactly where the daily’s are before they pull the trigger on a five minute.
Very nice post; now I’ll read it. (o:
Great article, especially the insights about the instant gratifications on 5min charts and its pitfalls, cheers, g.
ps. it’s better to go to a casino once in a while for a thrill..
I am so that person, or was, have been trying your methods out on demo acc. for a couple of months now, and slowly its getting there. Still have a bit of trouble reading the charts though, but am starting to get the whole “daily and 4hr time frame method”
That last paragraph is pure gold.
Ótimo artigo. Thanks Nial.
Now, after reading this article and having a quick look at the charts and price actions of some previous weeks I.
undestand that “daily trading”in FX market is the best appeoach for money making.
It is so true. I started to trade forex 1 & half year ago. But the newbie of myself tends to trade a lot in 1 hour chart and eventually led to loses. At this time, I came across Nial’s course and try to practice his teaching in demo account for more than half year with profit. And now I bring it to live account and the result is the same – profitable. Now I trade very less, sometime I didn’t trade at all for 2 weeks. But I trade when there is obvious price action. With the price action, displine and patience, that’s bring me profit. I really love Nial’s teaching and other trades should follow this if you not yet a profitable trader. Please continue your good job, Nial.
An excellent article. I had a number of highly profitable trades by following your advice and trading off the daily (and sometimes 4H) charts and looking for pin bars.
Priceless as usual.
Self discipline control over your emotions and trading with a clear strategy will always bring better results long term.
Less trades, less emotion equals better results.
Graham Pearce WA.
Another great article and lesson to all traders out there and myself, it took me about 2 years to figure out what you have put in this article and apply it in my trading.
Trading small time frames DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL!
It will just destroy you and your trading account…
I trade off the daily charts only and I am happy if I enter 1 trade a month!
All the best and good trading,
I think a daily mantra is appropriate here:
& # 8221; I am a great trader, who only trades Daily charts”
Thanks for reminding me that lower time-frames suck.
Dear ‘Prof Forex’. You have hit the nail on the head once again. Thank you for this nugget. For the past one month and over I have maintained my trading account with a profit for the first time in two years. This is because I have followed you and your teachings up religiously. I feel a sense of pride now because I have not blown my account within a week. Instead I am trading with over 100% profit within a month. Dear ‘Prof’, the credit goes to you. Thank YOU.
I have enjoyed reading your article about trading daily time frames as against very short time frames. Why can’t most other trading coaches be so honest and generous with their knowledge. Nial, it was well written and should turn around many FX traders from losses into potential profit without the stress attached.
Your lessons are wonderful, I am trying to follow your advice on discipline and Have found that this is a major to success in fx trading.
nice reading Nial and so true.
Another good class today and i believe some is gaining. Kudos!
I respect all the Nials rules and I am amazed when I look in my trading journal.
The first year of trading and I am constantly positive. My best investment is price action trading course !
Thanks for the info Nial, at the end of October 2011 i decided.
that i would only day trade, if i had stuck with that thought.
i would of increased my account by the end of December by.
17K instead i lost 2K trying to trade the 5m set up.
all your article are very educative and always hitting the nail on the head with what l have read now my loosing time in forex is over thank nial.
You have put it in a nutshell…..cleraly and effectively.
1. I really enjoyed reading it.
2. I enjoyed reflecting on my own trading pattern.
3. And realized why I have less stress lately tahn when I.
used to trade lower time frames.
Day and 4 hrs are what I do now.
You are fantastic.
So true that you can risk a lot more when you only take the most obvious signals on a daily timeframe. In fact, you will get rich quicker by trading the dailys mainly and spending the rest of your time on something you really like. In the end, trading is pretty boring. Find your edge, take the trade. You win, you’re happy. you lose, you’re happy.
I took that trade in gold by the way. That one was screaming at us: “please trade me :-) “
Good stuff from a savvy price action Authority. Daily chart always act as a filter for the polluted and biased noise of lower timeframes. I discovered that with daily charts, you only have one or two quality setup in a week. This eventually helps you to embrace quality over quantity. Forex trading, the greatest test of self discipline.
This is one of the best articles on trading that I have ever read.
Patience and mental fortitude is so important. Many thanks for sharing your strategies with us.
This is so so true, when i started fx trading, my “guru” told me to emulate his success using 5 min charts, that was the biggest mistake i had ever made…..over time even his account went into margin call…many traders under him gave up as a result and called Forex a scam…
Longer time frames enable one to have more time and still make the money they want if they know what they are doing …thanks Nial, integrity and honesty don’t come by that easily now a days..
Its really gift to Read Your Articles Nial.
Bravo. ….thats all i can say….Bravo.
Good stuff Nial! As always thanks so very much for your incredible lessons!
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Como pegar essa tendência de mercado desenfreada.
Negociar é uma Maratona, não uma Sprint.
Trading é Survival of the Fittest & # 8211; Você evoluirá ou morre?
Beware of The Trading Pandora’s Box.
What’s Your New Year Trading Resolution?
Um corte de mentalidade simples que o tornará um comerciante melhor quase que instantaneamente.
6 Unknown Winning Habits of Successful Traders.
Nial Fuller.
Nial Fuller ganha competição Million Dollar Trader.
Afirmações diárias melhorarão sua negociação.
O Guia Minimalista para Forex Trading & # 038; Vida.
Padrões de Negociação de Ação de Preço: Barras de Pin, Fakey's, Inside Bars.
Por que I & # 8216; Seriously & # 8217; Hate Day Trading.
Trade Forex Like a Sniper ... Não é uma metralhadora.
The Best Currency Pairs to Trade & Tempos para negociá-los? (Part 1)
& # 8216; The Holy Grail Of Forex Trading Strategies & # 8217; & # 8211; Quadro diário de horários.
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